Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Keyword Research And Strategy

My approach to keyword research is methodical and data-driven, utilizing SemRush, Google Search Console, and Competitor Analysis to uncover high-impact keywords that resonate with the audience and align with client objectives. I set up position tracking for all of these keywords so that I am able to accurately report as well as gain insight on future trends and opportunities. I’ve developed comprehensive keyword strategies that form the foundation of content creation and SEO campaigns, ensuring targeted and effective reach. 

Tools: SEMrush, Google Search Console, Looker Studio

SEO Auditing and Competitive Analysis

With a keen eye for detail, I conduct thorough SEO audits using SEMrush, Screaming Frog, and Ahrefs, evaluating client websites against industry benchmarks and chosen competitors. This allows me to pinpoint areas for improvement and gain insights into competitor tactics, setting the stage for optimized website performance. I am able to use this data to create presentations that accurately convey where the company lies in the digital landscape. I identify content gaps and untapped keywords to drive ideas for new pages and page elements that enhance user experience and improve organic search visibility. Using my Powerpoint and presentation skills, I can form these insights into actionable, easily digestible presentations for anyone to understand.

Tools: SEMrush, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Microsoft Powerpoint

On-Page Optimization

My on-page SEO strategy thrives on an intricate blend of creativity and analytics. Using WordPress, I ensure that meta tags, headings, and on-page content are not only engaging but also meticulously optimized for peak search engine performance. I use SEMrush On Page SEO Checker to track the readility, semantics, content length, and keyword usage for my content. The way I see it, every piece of content has two audiences: Your actual target audience, and Google. Writing good content is a balancing act of making sure it is SEO friendly for Google while still useful and engaging for your audience. I have employed Chat GPT to help me write content, but it is important to note that I do not rely solely on it. It is great for first drafts, but it is imperative that you edit and optimize for your specific brand and tone. 

Tools: SEMrush, Microsoft Word, ChatGPT-4, Microsoft Excel

Technical SEO

In the technical SEO sphere, my role is pivotal in bridging the gap between SEO strategy and technical implementation. All good Technical SEO requires SEO working closely with the web developers to set priorities for identified issues. I utilize Google Search Console, SEMrush Site Audit, and Screaming frog as essentials tool to detect and address technical issues that impact a website’s SEO performance. From identifying crawl errors to writing schema for SERP features, I provide comprehensive technical recommendations that are vital for enhancing a site’s organic search potential. My close collaboration with web development teams ensures that these SEO best practices are not just recommended but effectively executed, leading to robust website architectures that search engines can understand and rank favorably.

Tools: SEMrush, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Sublime, ClickUp, Microsoft Excel

Performance Analysis and Client Reporting

I excel in performance analysis and client reporting by leveraging a suite of advanced tools to provide a comprehensive view of SEO success. Looker Studio is at the heart of my reporting, offering custom dashboards tailored to client needs, while Google Analytics 4 (GA4) provides a deep dive into user behavior and website performance metrics. I integrate Google Search Console to track search rankings and site health, ensuring any issues are swiftly addressed.


Additionally, SEMrush Position Tracking is a critical component in my toolkit, enabling me to monitor daily rankings for targeted keywords and the competitive landscape. This multifaceted approach ensures my clients not only receive data but strategic insights and forward-looking recommendations that highlight the return on investment for their SEO activities, driving future strategy and continued success.

Tools: Looker Studio, GA4, Google Search Console, Microsoft Excel, SEMrush, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel